We’d like to invite you to write an open letter on your blog to your mom. Or an open letter to the woman who raised you.
You can write about one specific memory that you always carry with you. Or you can write about all the ways she’s been there. Or even take her down memory lane with some of your favorite pictures of her. 
I know this day might be hard for some of you who are mothers or who are hoping to become mothers. Can I encourage you with Lisa-Jo’s post on motherhood? Mother’s Day for the Motherless Mother. And watch the video in her blog post. It will have you nodding yes and teary eyed and hope-filled.
The power of words is undeniable and I know your words will be of great blessing to your mom. Remember to get some inspiration over on our blog to start you off, and then start writing!

I praise God for His design of motherhood and I praise Him evermore that He comes alongside and shepherds us through it all.