In 2009 we started a Compassion tradition. A tradition that focused on one word.

Through the years we’ve shared words with one another like hope, perseverance and His love for us.

God’s “word whispers” have revealed our longing to be closer to Him, to grow as His children and to lean in and receive the fullness of His gifts for us.

This year we want to continue to journey with you in this sacred tradition.

Over the next few days or weeks…

  1. Find a quiet spot for just you and the Father
  2. Ask Him for your word for 2016
  3. Write a blog post sharing your word. Encourage your readers to discover their own word
  4. Go to the Compassion Blog and share your ‘One Word’ blog post in the comments.

Throughout the year, let’s check in with one another in the Facebook group to see how our words are progressing. Being accountable to one another will really help!